3 important quotes for a marketeer

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

This is an appropriate time to be slightly serious. The world economy is on the rim, advertising has dramatically less power today than in the 80's and some claim the double breasted suit are back in the fashion game again.

So much for being serious. Oh well. Take a deep breath and ponder on the following 3 quotes (all published in autumn 2008).

Consumers are no longer one set of tastes and preferences. They are a bundle of them. We should segment this consumer the way we segmented markets some years ago. Markets aren't monolithic. Consumers aren't either. 

Grant McCracken author of Transformations: Identity Construction in Contemporary Culture.

We must engage with individual people, reaggregating consumer audiences based on their passions (think moms, travellers, dog owners)...we can connect with people in the short term and develop relationships that turn buyers into advocates for the brands we serve.
Laura Desmond of Starcom MediaVest.

Lego is so wonderful nostalgic. As an only child Lego and I had lots of good times together when I was younger. My parents spoiled me with Lego blocks as a kid. I had like Lego worth at least a half Chanel bag. That probably explains why I've became such a geek.

From a blog byNatalie (Natalicious), 21 living in Oslo.

Google Lego 50th Anniversary Inspiration

Still vaguely unclear what marketers must implement immediately? The ability to listen. To listen to each one of us who buy and talks about the hundreds of brands that touch us everyday. And not least, understand what an audience has become today. To continue modus operandi to be: 18-35, loaded with cash (research says above average) and highly educated readers (there are not that many out there anyhow) is a rather foolish target exercise. You must take action now. The thing is, this target group doesn’t exist.
Natalie is nostalgic about Lego. I have plans myself for a major Lego purchase (a small hobby project have begun to take shape in my twisted mind). And my 3 year old nephew claims that ego blocks have fabulous colors, but have not given them any deeper thought than that yet, apart from the play part off course. Please try to explain to me how you as a marketer can talk to all three of us at once?
Here's a tip: Do not worry about age and income. Look at what triggers our fascination for the product. See what kind of stories we create with the product. And when we talk to you, you better be ready to listen.
If you want to do a fun listening in? Take a trip to Flickr and search for Tag's with Lego. You might wish you worked for the brand now ...

This post was published in norwegian in Nov 08 on Norvegiasyndromet.


Einstein on numbers

Not everything that can be counted counts and not everything that counts can be counted - Albert Einstein

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